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The Trial

নবম-দশম শ্রেণি (দাখিল) - English for Today - Unit Fourteen: Pleasure and Purpose | NCTB BOOK

A. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

When Bassanio reached Venice, Antonio was already in the court of justice. They were waiting for the trial to begin. The Duke entered the courtroom, took his seat and the trial began. The Duke requested Shylock to be merciful and not to claim his pound of flesh. But Shylock would not listen to him. Bassanio offered him twice the amount of money that Shylock lent Antonio but Shylock did not accept it. He said, "I claim my pound of flesh. The law is on my side. Antonio must pay the penalty written in the bond."
The Duke was extremely sorry that he could do nothing to help Antonio. The law was on Shylock's side and the law must be abided. The Duke feared that although the wisest lawyer in Venice was coming to speak in defense of Antonio, he would not be able to save the merchant. Soon a young clerk entered the courtroom with a letter from that lawyer. The lawyer was ill and would not be able to come to the court.
He requested the Duke to let his young friend, Doctor Balthazar, defend Antonio. The Duke gave his permission, and Doctor Balthazar entered the courtroom. He looked very young, and the Duke doubted if the wisdom of the young lawyer could save Antonio. This young lawyer was no other than Portia in disguise and the young clerk was her friend, who was also in disguise.
Portia begged Shylock to be merciful and told him how God bestows mercy to those who are merciful themselves.
Mercy" Portia said, " brings a blessing to him who shows it and to him who receives it. All of us pray to God for mercy. But God will only have mercy on us
if we have mercy on others."
Shylock paid no heed to Portia. All he wanted was his pound of flesh. Portia asked, “Can't Antonio pay the debt?”
Bassanio cried, "Yes, he can pay it, and even more.. Even I can pay ten times the sum my friend borrowed from Shylock."
66 Won't you take the money, Shylock?" Portia asked.
"No, I demand the lawful penalty. Give me my pound of flesh."
"Let me see the bond Shylock", said Portia.
Shylock handed the bond to her. She read it with great attention and then said, "You are right Shylock. The law is on your side. You can claim the flesh. But I would request you one more time to accept the sum Bassanio is offering you, and let me tear up the bond." But Shylock would not give up his claim. Portia then turned towards Antonio and said, "Get ready Antonio for Shylock to cut his pound of flesh. The law gives it to him."
Shylock was filled with joy on hearing what Portia said. He began to praise Portia in disguise, for her wisdom and righteousness. He cried out, "Oh noble judge! Oh excellent young man, you are a second Daniel, who has come to this earth."
Portia urged Shylock to cut the pound of flesh he demanded. Delighted, Shylock walked towards Antonio with a knife in hand. He told Antonio to uncover his chest. But as he was about to cut Antonio's flesh, Portia stopped him. She cried out, "Wait a second, Shylock! Never forget - there is no mention of blood in the bond. Therefore, you cannot shed a single drop of blood while you cut your pound of flesh; or else you pay the penalty. And the penalty is, the state will take your property from you. You lose everything that you have now, Shylock."
Shylock understood it was not possible for him to cut a pound of flesh without shedding blood. He was defeated by the wise lawyer. He hung his head and without another word left the courtroom. Thus Antonio's life was saved.


Lessons 9, 10 & 11 are adapted from The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.

1. Who was Portia? What do you know about her?
2. What did Portia say regarding mercy?
3. How did Portia save Antonio's life?
4. Sketch the character of Antonio.
5. How do you evaluate the character of Shylock?

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